The 5 Most-Effective Drinks for Burning Fat and Losing Weight

Weight is an obsession for many people all over the world. There are many solutions and systems that can help you control your weight and stay fit. Below are several types of drinks that may help you burn fat and control your weight.

5 Drinks That Burn Fat

1. Green tea (unsweetened)
3-5 cups a day purify the body.
2. Jillian Michael's 7-Day Detox Drink (recipe below)
Make a fresh batch every day for 7 days.
3. Ice water
You burn calories just digesting it.
4. Vegetable juice
A big glass before dinner will lead you to eat less.
5. Skim milk
Calcium helps you burn fat.

Lasting weight loss results from lifestyle changes, which usually include both changing your diet as well as increasing your activity level. These new lifestyle habits help you lose weight over the course of months or years, which is both sustainable and better for your body.
The drinks below are not magic elixirs that will help you shed pounds. Instead, they can help you lose weight because they:
  • Help You Stay Hydrated — Not only is staying hydrated important for your health overall, but it can also reduce feelings of hunger. Sometimes when you're craving food or a snack, your body is actually dehydrated. Drinking water or a low-calorie, non-sweet beverage can help cure your craving.
  • Replace High-Calorie or Sugary Drinks — Sugary drinks (including fruit juice) add unnecessary calories to your diet and don't satisfy hunger. They can also increase your cravings for sugar and food. By replacing sugary drinks with water, tea, or similar beverages, you will reduce the overall number of calories that you consume.
There are many drinks that can add to your health and energy! Here are seven of them.

1. Green Tea

Green tea is a great health drink, known to help purify the body, protect it from cancer, and enhance skin health.
Drinking three to five cups of green tea daily can help cause positive improvements in your health. Since green tea contains a large amount of antioxidants, it is one of the best diet and fitness drinks.
According to Beth Reardon in an article at WebMD, green tea's greatest benefit is "all about the catechin content." Catechin is an antioxidant that fights and may even help prevent cell damage. Furthermore, research has shown that green tea can improve blood flow, reduce cholesterol, and help prevent a range of heart-related issues.
Though research has not shown it to help people lose weight, drinking green tea instead of sugary drinks can help you build a healthy lifestyle. Just keep away from the honey and sugar.

2. Jillian Michael's 7-Day Detox Drink

Jillian Michael's drink is one of most effective and popular drinks for weight loss in the USA and Europe. Over a million people have tested it and proved that it can be effective at reducing excess water weight and bloat. It may affect your weight in a positive way, especially for short-term weight loss.

Detox Drink Recipe

  • 60 ounces of pure distilled water
  • 1 tbsp pure, unsweetened cranberry juice
  • 1 pack dandelion root tea
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
Boil 8 oz of the distilled water and steep the tea for at least 10 minutes. Discard the tea bag, mix all of the ingredients together, and drink the entire mixture every day for seven days. You will make a new batch each day. The goal is to drink 60 ounces of the concoction every day.

3. Ice Water

Did you know that water is one of the seven best drinks for burning fat? I didn't think so. And while some diet items can be expensive or hard to find, this one should be available to most people.
Adding more water to your diet can help you lose weight in a number of ways:
  1. There is a theory that when you drink cold water, your body needs to burn calories in order to heat it up to digest it. While technically true, drinking even a large amount of cold water only helps your body burn a few extra calories.
  2. Drinking a glass of water before meals can help you fill up faster and feel more full. A UK study at the University of Birmingham showed that obese adults who drank 16 oz of water 30 minutes before eating a meal lost 9 pounds over the course of 12 weeks, more than those that did not drink any extra water.
  3. Many people reach for snacks out of boredom or thirst instead of hunger. If you feel hungry, drink a glass of water and see if you're still hungry in 30 minutes.

4. Vegetable Juice

It is a good trick in the weight loss field to drink a big cup of vegetable juice before eating a meal.
Like drinking water before a meal, drinking vegetable juice before dinner could also reduce the total amount of calories you consume. Choose a mix of vegetables that you like, blend them with your favorite spices, and drink a big cup before dinner.
This is also a great way to increase your vegetable intake!

5. Skim Milk

It is a common mistake to believe that drinking milk will keep you from losing weight. In reality, studies have proven that a calcium-rich diet is linked to long-term weight loss.
Calcium promotes the body's ability to burn fat alongside a moderate diet system or weight loss program. According to research from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who consumed more calcium over the course of two years lost more weight than those that consumed less calcium.
Since milk is a good source of calcium, a reasonable quantity of skim milk might be a good addition to your diet. However, science is still unclear on dairy and calcium's effect on weight loss. Milk can also be high in calories, so be sure you're still drinking in moderation.

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